


You may have woken up, opened twitter, and seen a load of photos that look like people have got dressed with their eyes closed. Don't panic. This fashion statement will last a day only.

But the revolution has begun. 


Today marks the one year anniversary of Rana Plaza. On 24th April last year, 1133 people were killed and over 2500 were injured when the Rana Plaza factory complex collapsed in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Social and environmental catastrophes in our fashion supply chains continue. Fashion Revolution Day says enough is enough.

Organized by a group of industry insiders, the call is for men and women of good heart to wear an item of clothing inside out, displaying the label and drawing attention to the story of the item. Which country was it made in? Who made it?


Designers, models, stylists, journalists and a really wide range of people have put their weight behind the campaign and it feels like an important step in pushing the fashion industry forward. 


The window display at our friends, Here Today Here Tomorrow in Dalston


Join the party and show your support by posting a picture and tagging it @Fash_Rev  and #InsideOut . 

We've shot a little campaign which we'll be sharing on Instagram throughout the day. @brotherswestand to see our take on #InsideOut. The images will celebrate the ability we have to turn things around and symbolize the transformation that is happening in the fashion industry. 


In revolutionary spirit, 
