
Three Tools For An Anxious Mind

Three Tools For An Anxious Mind

Hey everyone, it’s James here. I'm often the one behind the blog posts you’ll see on BWS. And, that’s me with my friend Seb, looking pretty goofy, pointing to exactly what we're talking about today.

This week is #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek. So, as we tread tentatively back into normality, I wanted to share a few things you might find helpful after such a tough year.

1 | Silence and Solitude

Take time to be in silence and, if you feel safe, away from any distractions. 20 minutes in the morning, 20 minutes in the evening, focusing on a positive thought, memory or scriptural verse that’s supported by deep, controlled breathing. Even if your mental health is tip top, you’ll benefit hugely from this.

2 | Cut screen time

High levels of screen time reduces sleep quality, reduces time spent in physical activity, and reduces self-esteem. Lock your phone, switch off your laptop, get outside, grab a book. Simple, but effective.

3 | Quit Speculating

Speculation feeds anxiety. Notice when you’re worrying or beating yourself up, and bring your mind back to the present. You’ll begin to notice those dark thoughts’ power slipping.

The best style in fashion is being yourself. So, take some time to treasure who that is, care for yourself and maybe dive deeper into understanding what that means.

Bless up everyone.


#mensmentalhealth #youarebrilliant #mentalhealthawareness