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NEW BRAND: Know The Origin

We’re very excited to introduce you to a new brand, Know The Origin. They are impeccable. They’ve nailed supply chain transparency right the way through. 

Know The Origin (KTO) was founded by Charlotte Instone and Laura Lodge, who both studied at the London College of Fashion. After spending time with the survivors of the Rana Plaza Factory collapse in Bangladesh, they were challenged about the real cost of clothing to people and the environment. KTO is their response.

Their first collection consists of a range of high quality basics. They’ve personally visited each area of their supply chain, right from the cotton picking through to the dying, cutting and sewing, taking a photojournalist with them to allow others in on the process. All their products are proudly made in socially minded factories in India, using Fairtrade and Organic cotton.

KTO have taken a hit on their margins in a bid to make Fair Trade fashion as accessible as possible and their sweatshirts are selling at an impressive £36 .  


KTO source all their Fairtrade and Organic cotton from Chetna Organic and Pratibha Syntex. Chetna is an 100% farmer owned co-operative who provides training on food security so farmers can grow food crops alongside their cotton.

Charlotte, with workers during the ginning process where the cotton fibres are separated from the seed.


Preparing the fabric and checking the finished garment at Mila, the Fairtrade factory that KTO have partnered with in South India.  


In their own words, “KTO is about creating beautiful clothing with an incredible team of producers who are making a positive impact in their communities. What’s not to love?!”.  

We couldn't agree more and are proud to have this incredible brand in our collection!




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