
10,000 Orders: A Letter From Our Founder, Jonathan.

10,000 Orders: A Letter From Our Founder, Jonathan.

Back in 2013, our founder Jonathan kickstarted the vision of bringing the best ethical men’s clothing into one space. We welcomed brands like Idioma and Elvis & Kresse through our doors, and began to spread the word that great men’s style didn’t have to come at the cost of people and the planet.

With your support and enthusiasm, the mission to champion sustainable innovators has gone from strength to strength. So, after 10,000 orders, we thought it was time to take stock, reflect, and express our thanks to all the BWS contributors and collaborators out there.

Here's what Jonathan had to say:

Dear customers and friends of Brothers We Stand,

Building Brothers We Stand has been really stimulating and I’m so grateful for our customers, collaborators and everyone whose support has allowed us to reach the milestone of 10,000 orders.

Seven and a half years ago, when I launched Brothers We Stand with the help of a £3100 loan from the Princes Trust, the ethical clothing movement was in a very different place. Ethical clothing was still considered a niche area and many saw limited scope for growth. Boy, have we seen that change. Ethical clothing is now firmly in the public consciousness and there is an exciting community of ethical brands, platforms and individuals championing positive change in the industry. I like to think that the ideas Brothers We Stand has shared with the world, cheered on by your support, has played some small part in bringing about this change.

Personally, I have really enjoyed the vast majority of tasks involved with running the business. I’ve loved having the opportunity to work in the clothing industry where there is so much opportunity to tell stories, make beautiful things and work together with others.

It has not been easy and every day since October 2013 it has felt like there has been too much to do. Setting the business up has often felt like slogging up a perilous but beautiful mountain wondering if your supply of oatcakes will last. Your support, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart, is what has kept me going.

I have such a clear picture of where I want Brothers We Stand to go (let’s get some guide ropes set up on that mountain) that it can be hard to appreciate what we’ve already done. But, when I pause and reflect, I am proud that we have supported you to place 10,000 orders of ethical men’s clothing, selected with style. Together we have made a stand for a fairer and more beautiful clothing industry that values each person, from cotton farm to factory floor, through to the final customer.

It’s been a ride and we ain’t done yet,
Jonathan Mitchell
Brothers We Stand Founder

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